...just in case you were worried that I had died from laziness and boredom - rest assured that I haven't had much time for either ;-) My holiday week flew by...but I was able to get a few things accomplished and several things started. I've been busy getting ready for my upcoming workshop in Ottawa this weekend: dyeing wool, assembling samples, printing patterns, and gathering my thoughts. It's been quite a while since I last taught a class, so it's taking me a little longer to get organized - but I'm excited and energized about going on Friday.
I'll be bringing some of the gorgeous hand-made leather handles I've posted about in the past from my LYS. I'll also be bringing wool, including these bits I dyed last week...
I finally accepted the reality that my heart's not into hooking on the horse right now....and rather than spend all my time procrastinating and getting nothing done, I've started work on the new purse. It's quite a bit larger than I've done in the past....and I really hope that it's not going be be too heavy even when it's empty - especially since there's going to be a lot of room to carry stuff! Here's a sneak peak...
The design has morphed a few times from the original seed...and while it might not be perfect for this application, I imagine I'll be revisiting it again very soon. Hey, and I've also managed to incorporate some lights and some darks with my friendly medium tones. Wa-hoo!
What else have I been up to? Reading (a couple of fluffy novels, Clara Callan, and I've started on the first of my Christmas presents from AJ: the Kent Books), watching season 1 of the Tudors, cooking and cleaning at my folks (my mum finally had her knee replaced last month), and work, or course (I'm in Sudbury tonight).
I'I'll be bringing my camera to Ottawa....and back soon with a report.