I've been thinking of what resolutions I'll be adopting this year, if any.....and so far the only one I've come up with is not to buy any wool cloth for a year. I'm sure vendors everywhere are cringing at the thought....but I really do have a huge supply right now. In fact, I probably have enough wool to last me the rest of my life (and not because it's all so ugly that I would stop hooking, either - it's great wool, there is just soooooo much of it).
The truth is that I've been buying and acquiring more wool that I've been using, and the supply is exceeding the demand. Apart from the first year or so when I had no stash to speak of....I've added to my shelves every year since I started hooking 10 years ago. To further add to the already plentiful stash, I received a tremendous amount of wool from AJ when she cleaned out her wool closet this Fall. Now I really have no more room in my little place for any additional piles of wool. I have way too much stuff, and I need to use it - or lose it!
I'm going to dye and I'm going to hook....and hook....and hook, with more of the wool I've already got. My challenge will be to work with what I have (which really shouldn't be too hard, given the selection and variety available to choose from). The past year has been busy, and I'm really looking forward to spending time at home, alone with my hook and frame, just creating. My list of ideas is long...and I can't wait to get started (just as soon as I recharge my batteries for a little bit longer, over the next few days).
What are your resolutions for the new year? Share one with me in the comments - and let me know what is missing from your stash. I will randomly pick winners early in the new year, and I will happily share some of my stash with the luckiest ones....
P.S. The photo above is an old one -- it would take me almost all day to assemble the whole stash in the same room....then I'd probably need to get a special lens just to fit it all in one frame! Just let me know what colour of wool you really need...and I will do my best to help supplement your stash.