This is the wedding rug I made for my good friend Sheri and her husband Spencer when they married in 2002. The handprints on the left are from her side of the family tree and those on the right are from his side of the family. The parents are on the top branches, the sibilings in the middle (in age order, from top to bottom), and of course, the bride and groom at the bottom making the heart.
I'd be remiss if I didn't acknowledge the inspiration for using hand prints as leaves came from one of Ann Hallett's rugs.
When I made this rug, I'd only been hooking for about 2 1/2 years....and when I look at it now, I notice things that I would do differently today. That makes me happy -- and I still love the rug! I can only hope that in 7 or 8 years from now I will look back on the work I've been doing lately and still be able to see new ways of doing it. Who wants to be stuck in a creative rut or max out on their learning and experimenting?