So instead, I've decided that I'm going to do a little dyeing this weekend - and see if I can put a dint in this big bag of Citric Acid I picked up on the weekend from RHF. Running out of something you consider to be an essential is never fun, so I'm hoping this 5 lb bag will help me avoid facing another shortage for some time. There's a whole lot of dyeing potential in this bag. I've got a whack of wool waiting to be marbleized, along with many skeins of slub and a tonne of I'll be able to flit from one thing to another without any chance of boredom.
Then I'll hopefully be able to start on my next rug (I'm hoping to finish the hooking on this one tonight, and think whipping will be a great travel project for next week). I've already got my idea, it's just a simple (?) matter of converting it to canvas. I still plan on hooking during the Olympics - I've only removed the pressure of finishing it before the flame is extinguished.