Earlier this week I received a notice that my local quilt store was having a sale....so I popped in on Tuesday to see what I could find to add to my dwindling stash. I had a really hard time choosing, so I came home with quite a few....
To get the full picture (sorry!), the fabrics need to be opened up, so that you can see bigger sections....but these images give you an idea of the range of colours and some of the many different motifs in relief. My experience in sewing with the batiks is somewhat similar to using painted yarns and spot dyed wool, in that it is very difficult for me to convert the love. I rarely seem to like anything I make as much as I like to admire the colours in the skein or the larger piece of fabric. Something seems to get lost in translation. The effect is often muddled.
I don't seem to have this problem when using the batiks in purse linings, though....which is a blessing ;-)