I latched onto the idea of Pro Chem in the Fall of 2001 - touted to be more concentrated dyes, not blends and there were only a few available colours. So I started off with just the primaries, a few secondaries, black and navy, and over the next few months, I accumulated the rest of the 20 or so colours. I really liked the idea of getting to know each of the colours -- and I thought that with so few colours, this was achievable.
Over the years, Pro Chem has been adding more colours to their collection...and without actually counting, I wouldn't be surprised if there were around 100 different colours to choose from now. So the problem I was avoiding all along has resurfaced. Somewhere along the way, I've collected two plastic Coke crates full of Pro Chem and Majic Carpet dyes.
I decided a few months ago that I would really like to downsize my dye collection....if only to make it easier on myself, and return to my dyeing roots, with fewer colours to keep track of and sort through. I delayed placing an order for many months....until I was out of some of most favourite and essential dyes. Around the same time, I had a moment of weakness when I realized that Pro Chem had added some pretty new colours to their collection and I couldn't resist giving them a try.....
Which brings us to today. All of these little pots of pigment will be joining their cousins...and even though there are some duplicates and triplicates of some of my most favourite and often used dyes, it would appear as though my downsizing plans have been put on hold for a little while....
Now if only my hand would heal, I can start playing and trying out the new colours....
I can't wait!