When I went to Michigan last month, I was lucky enough to stay with Alaina Trout. This was the first rug (of many) that I saw at her place - and I couldn't believe it when she told me it was the very first rug she hooked. I think that it's one of the most impressive first rugs that I have seen -- and I like it sooooo much better than my own....
Which, coincidentally, is still not whipped (even though I finished hooking it almost 10 years ago). Later this fall will be my 10 year hooking anniversary....and it's hard to believe that I've been hooking for almost a decade.
When I was in Michigan, I was also introduced to these beautiful rug hooks crafted by Tom Ingalls. He combines piece of old silverware and other antique bits of silver with beautiful woods. I was immediately drawn to the shorter, stumpier hook - since I am a palmer - and it was definitely love at first loop, as well as first look. I wasn't so sure about the one with larger handle, but it was surprisingly comfortable to use - and with a larger hook, it would be even better.... IMO ;-) I hope that I cross paths with Tom one day soon...and look forward to one day having my own special, handcrafted silver hook. In the meantime, I'll be saving my shekels and maybe scavenging for family silver....to make it even more personal.
There's a new rug hooking book on the shelves.....and a couple of my rugs are pictured inside. It is always exciting to see pictures of your work in a book -- even when it's simply a matter of being in the right place, at the right time. (The book features all of the rugs included in the 2008 Hooked in the Mountains show at the Sheburne Museum).
It was another great day at R.U.G. on Saturday. One major drawback of not doing the newsletter anymore is that I don't take nearly as many photos. I cannot remember another RUG when I took so few (or such poor photos - sorry!) Here are my favourites from the handful I had time to take....
It was great to be able to see Dorinda's rug finished. I think it looks fabulous - even if my pictures does not. Even with a good photograph, nothing compares to being able to see a rug up close and in person. I'm sure there are hundreds of wools and yarns and other textures in this rug....and they all meld together so beautifully.
I dyed more slub on the weekend. Now that the cooler weather is here, I was a little worried about getting it all dry, inside. Dyeing a smaller quantity (20 skeins) helped....since it fit easily on my drying rack. So did shutting it in the bathroom, with the heater on max, and a fan blowing the air on and around the wool ;-) I think it dried as quickly as if it had been out in the sun....and I will definitely try this again. Plus, the smaller quantity meant that I didn't feel as exhausted when I was done. yay!
I picked up a few pieces of batiks when I was in Michigan. There was a great quilting store in nearby Bear Lake, called Two Sisters. I like to buy up pieces of batik when I find ones that I like, especially ones with small scale patterns and those in colours I tend to use often.
When I write my blog, I tend to imagine that it's only being read by the people whom I know read it regularly (i.e. my close friends and family) which is why I don't always clarify and elaborate on all details, all of the time. Since several people have mentioned "my kids" over the last little while, I thought I should clarify about these two cuties....
Although Wyatt and Sienna will openly tell you that they are "my kids" (since I don't have any).... really I am just a lucky Aunt, who spends lots of time with her 6 nieces and nephews ;-)
Happy hooking!