...so I've now been hooking for the last 18 days in a row and tonight will make it 19. I still can't share any pictures--sorry--but I promise that I will post some once the presents have been gifted.
So what else have I been doing while hooking like a madwoman? Season 1 of
Six Feet Under. Seasons 1 and 2 of
Grey's Anatomy (again!) Season 1 of
Weeds. (and I just rented the first 3 discs of Season 2 of
Six Feet Under...)
I think that I am on my final night of hooking on Wyatt and Sienna's present ;-) Not bad, considering I just made up the pattern and drew it on the linen last Monday night! I am hoping to design my final hooked present tomorrow night--and get hooking on it, too, so that I don't break the chain.
One thing that I have been noticing a lot lately is how much lint accumulates on your hooking and your backing while you are working. I usually try to scrape/brush it into a pile with my fingers and put it into my snippet bowl--but there is a better way! Use a Swiffer dusting cloth and wipe your work with it--all of the little flecks of wool lint are magically whisked away and your real work is revealed! (this suggestion is not sponsored by Proctor & Gamble--even though my friend does work there, I have to buy my own supply;-) )
It is still snowing....and the trees look gorgeous with their branches laden with white fluffy stuff. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! I can hardly wait ;-)