We had our final throwing class at pottery last night. Most of the night was spent finishing our pieces and narrowing our week's work down to seven that will be bisque fired sometime between now and Wednesday (glaze night). I took a couple of pictures of the chosen few...and just tried adding them to the post, but silly dial-up at my folks seems to be making this impossible. I will add them as soon as I can.
Preparations for my upcoming workshop in Etobicoke are well underway. I spent several hours dyeing wool today and the last of the patterns will be drawn tomorrow. I really enjoy the dyeing process--sometimes I think that I like it even better than the hooking ;-)
While I was reorganizing my wool a few weeks ago, I was noticing that I have a lot of dark, duller colours and not too many light or brights. I really tried to focus on dyeing some new values and shades today....and the results will be in soon (the wool is all in the dryer as I type...)
The new
Rug Hooking Magazine arrived yesterday...and on first glance it looks like a really good issue. I also received my copy of the new
Celebrations today from AJ....so there will be some reading happening tonight. I know what I'll be doing with my extra hour....