After spending 12 hours working (my real job) on Saturday, I was looking forward to having a whole day of being lazy on Sunday -- until I looked outside and saw how fiercely the wind was blowing. Dyeing up a bunch of slub this Summer has been on my list of things to do since Spring. And just being on my list is pretty much as far as it had gotten.
Slub yarn that has been dried in the wind is fluffier and softer....and just plain better than when it dries in the sun or with my big fan blowing on it. The difference is considerable -- and I really wanted to take advantage of the windy day. You can see how much it was blowing in this picture....
By the time I stopped to rest, I had dyed over 15lbs (50+ skeins) and all but these last few hanging up were already completely dried.
Of course, there was still a lot of mess to clean up.....but that's when I am awfully thankful that bleach was invented. It makes the job soooooo much easier!
Although I don't really keep detailed notes of what and how I dye each time, I have started taking quick snapshots of the colours I'm combining. That's about as detailed as the notes get, I'm still on my own to guess at quantities, lingering shadows in the pan from the previous batch, last minute tweaks, etc. I tried keeping meticulous notes once....but found that it took me 5 times longer to dye -- and made it a lot less fun. Perhaps if I had an assistant.... ? ;-)