Monday, May 12, 2008

passing elms and passing days...

Last week I had finally weeded my inbox from over 80 messages, to less than 20. With plans to finish off the last few this weekend….how is it that I now have 29? Procrastination. Plain and simple. So if you’re one of the (un)lucky 29…my apologies – but hopefully by now, you have received a reply.

Sometimes procrastinating feels so fun and liberating….like it did this past weekend. I had all kinds of jobs planned, including knocking off a good chunk of the newsletter, sorting our my basket of papers from the last couple of months, spending time with Mum on Sunday…and hopefully resuming work on my horse (June 1st is fast approaching!). Only one of these things happened – and it’s because Mother’s Day is always the second Sunday in May! The surprising thing is that I hardly even feel badly about all of the things that I didn’t get done, because I was having so much fun avoiding the work.

My sister and her family came over for an impromptu dinner on Friday and a visit to see the new calves on the farm (there are 6 so far…and super cute with their whitest of white patches)….and after they left, I started watching a movie (Savages - good). Saturday I woke planning to get started on the newsletter….but got caught-up finishing the movie, and then decided to horn-in on my sister’s family trip to Barrie to help procrastinate even more. Of course, when I got home around suppertime I was too tired to click away on the keyboard, and just ended up watching another movie (The Golden Compass – I enjoyed the book more).

Sunday morning was for sleeping in, sipping cappuccino, watching TV in my pajamas…and eventually putting away all of my winter sweaters and hauling out my summer clothes. Okay so that was productive ☺ Early in the afternoon, my sisters and I met up at my folks to create the “Mother’s Day Feast”. Again, I returned home late and too tired to accomplish much.

Oh well, it’s now the beginning of a brand new week….ready for a fresh start?

I just love this pattern...and I still dream of hooking it myself one day. The pattern is an old Rittermere pattern called Passing Elms and this pretty version was hooked by Grace Tanfara from the Ajax group.