First up.... Valerie Hearder. Valerie was one of the speakers at the symposium. As a part of her presentation, she spoke of a recent project of hers called African Threads. In an effort to raise money for those in Africa most immediately affect by AIDS, she is selling embroideries and textiles made in those countries. A percentage of every sale goes directly to the Stephen Lewis Foundation. You can read more about this project here.
Valerie brought many items to show and share - lucky us - including unique items both from her own personal collection and also some for sale. It was amazing to be able to see these textiles first hand. It's kinda like rug hooking - photos do not do the work justice.
Here are the two that I could not leave behind...
They are both so different, I could not decide on just one. For now, I'm just enjoying pulling them out and looking at them once in a while...but they are unframed and I will have to come up with a solution to that problem soon. Any suggestions?