Two finished purses in one week.... it's like an early birthday! :-D
Sunny sent me these pictures this afternoon and made my day. Her purse is beautiful - inside and out. She did a wonderful job on the finishing, and the wool used to line the flap is lovely.

Sunny writes...
Your directions were great. The only difficulty I had was where to put the fusible interfacing. I consulted a lot of other hookers in my group and finally decided to fuse it to the back side of my lining. It made sense to me to make the lining stronger so any weight in the purse wouldn't distort the hooking.I changed the interior pocket a bit. I made it a little shorter so that it is rectangular in shape and put a pleat in each side that's sewn down across the bottom. It gives the pocket more room.Great job Sunny! Better brace yourself for the compliments -- they are sure to coming whenever you venture out and about.... :-D
Edited to add this note I received from Sunny.....
I just thought of another addition I made to the structure of the purse. I wasn't keen about the magnet to hold the flap down. One of our group suggested buying a strip of weights from the fabric store. I guess you use them to add weight to the bottom of drapes. I just whipped them into the edge of the flap when I was doing the finishing and it seems to have worked really well.....another great idea!