Monday, February 21, 2011

Since Friday night....

What can I say....when I go into 'production mode', I produce! :-) Since Friday night, I've dyed over 175 pieces of wool (35+ yards) and 45 skeins of slub, cut up just over 7 yards into #8 cut (oh, how I love my double-wide cutter head....), washed 20+ yards of as-is wool, schlepped it all to the laundromat to wash and fold (twice!), created some labels for a new product, and made a bit huge mess!

Since today is Family Day here in Ontario....I was planning to reward my busy couple of days with 'a day off' ....and go and have a visit with AJ and then go north and visit my sister and folks. But when I woke up (after a wonderful sleep-in) and saw the state of my apartment, I decided to spend the morning tidying up a bit first. I was just too tired last night to do anything more than braid some slub.

If you've ever been to my place, you know that it's not really very big. Here are a few snaps that I took this morning....

Now I'm off to tidy....