I basically finished them the way I had planned…with the addition of basting the edge prior to whipping. I found that using a blanket stitch (with regular sewing thread) really helped keep everything neat and even when I was whipping – especially since the wool (pillow back) was a little shorter in some places than in others. When I got to the middle seam (where the zipper was sewn in), I had to modify the edge to prevent it from being much thicker than the rest. I trimmed the excess wool to about 1/16”, and then cut away about 1/4" of the linen backing, directly across from the seam (since I cut the backing just before basting over that section, I didn’t need to worry too much about it unraveling). This picture helps show what I did…

The edges were pretty wonky until I pressed them. I am so glad that my mum had an Elna press collecting dust in her laundry room—and that she let me (permanently) borrow it ;-) It does a great job with hooking, for far less effort that a plain iron. I think that this would be a good group purchase for a guild or group…
I also finished off my swap mat for the May 5th R.U.G. at the Simcoe Count Museum, months in advance. I know, I can hardly believe it—I am normally such a procrastinator. I am not done though, I still have to organize my game pieces…
For those of you wishing to participate in the swap, here are the details from the Fall/Winter 2006 edition of the R.U.G. sack…
The next swap will be a GAMEBOARD of your choice.
The dimensions should be 12” by 12” and it can be hooked on the backing of your choice, with the materials of your choice, and the finishing of your choice. Yes, I know we are offering a lot of choice here but it is supposed to be fun and I am sure you are all ready for the challenge ☺
*Please be sure to attach a label with the makers name to the mat.
*Please include appropriate playing pieces or disks.
*Please include instructions for play if it is an uncommon or original game.
The mats will go on display again in the morning (please bring them to me first so that I can take pictures and keep a list of all participants) and for the first part of the lunch break. The maker will keep the box/bag/basket with the game pieces. Halfway though lunch, all of the mats will go in a bag and all participants will have a chance to randomly choose one. This should give everyone an opportunity to find their new mat’s maker, personally thank them for their creation and pick-up the game pieces (while also avoiding the problem of pieces getting separated from their game in the bag and helping to keep the bag a manageable weight).