The hook-in in Toronto was a great time. Lots of beautiful rugs, gorgeous wools, yummy treats and friendly people. The talk went fairly well -- it is definitely a switch from teaching workshops (and I don't think that I have presented in front os so many people since my university days!) Thank you everyone for receiving me and my work so warmly – it’s a miracle that I was able to fit in my car for the ride home with my head so inflated ;-)
It was so nice to see the purses people brought that they had hooked themselves..."my children and grandchildren". One of my favourites was one that Wendie Scott Davis designed and hooked…

Wendie had a great idea to attach the pieces of plastic canvas (for the base) together with duct tape. Not only will this make them a unit, the tape will also help to prevent the cut edges from poking through your trimming fabric. Great idea Wendie! ;-)
One thing that I realized I forgot to mention during the talk was about making sure that you reinforce any closures. That is, stitch around your Velcro or your magnetic snap, securing the lining to your backing. If you don’t….you will find that the stitches holding your lining in place will soon be over-stressed and start to come apart.
For those of you who placed an order for the paper patterns…I dropped them off at my printer at today at lunchtime….and I will pop them in the mail as soon as I possibly can – hopefully in the next couple of days. If you want to place an order (especially those of you who happened upon me when I was sans pen)….just send me a quick e-mail ( and I will add your name to the list.
I went to visit the Textile Museum on Friday afternoon…for the first time since I was in high school. It’s funny, I often think of going when I am down in the city, but some how it never seemed to happen. Right now they have a really great exhibit of beautiful textiles and embroideries from India and Pakistan, called Colour & Light. If you have a chance to check it out, I am sure that you will be inspired to create something colourful…