Well I've decided that watching "In Treatment" and hooking on my new purse are a great way to spend an evening! ;-) I think that if I can get a full evening's worth of hooking done tonight, I might be able to finish the first half before bed....
I've already decided that I'm not going to bother hooking a flap on this one.....and instead of using the leather buckle (since I don't have one in stock that's brown), I'm going to just use the magnetic closures to secure it.
Wendie asked about whether or not I've already chosen the handle colour....and the answer is yes! I knew already before I started hooking that the handle would be brown - very similar to the brown used in the flower skeletons. I'm also thinking that I will trim the opening in a similar brown, too.
Now that I've finally started hooking again, I can't wait to get this purse finished and onto the next one. In fact, I've already started hooking my next purse (in my mind, of course) while I work on this one. Do you plan and/or fantasize about future projects like this - when you're working on something else entirely?