Monday, July 27, 2009

time for a break

If you'd asked me last Thursday morning when I would be finished hooking my new purse, I would have definitively said "by the end of the weekend". Instead, it's now Monday....and I've only spent a couple of hours hooking since then.* In fact, I'm still on the first side.

Consequently, I'm starting to feel a little bit like I'm before paralyzing panic sets in, I'm going to elect to take a bit of a blog holiday this week. I will return soon, and when I do I'll (hopefully) have pictures to share of a couple of finished bags....and a brand new purse brochure. Have a great week!

* Instead I've been shopping in the city, picking up my folks at the airport, playing Mexican dominoes, going to a baby shower, watching The Wrestler (I found it depressing), looking at hundreds of photos from my parents' trip to Africa (I will try to post some soon - amazing!), and eating and sleeping (of course!)