I worked on this rug in Diane Phillips Women with Attitude class...and everyone who knows AJ will agree that she's got some! ;-) It was the second rug I started that week and I finished hooking it shortly after my return home. I presented to AJ for her 75th birthday that summer (with instructions for it to be returned to me, when she no longer needs it).
The rug celebrates My Rug Hooking Mentor, complete with silver necklaces, painted toenails, Birkenstocks, and a wok full of dyed wool. There are stars for encouragement, a lightbulb for ideas, shelves full of fabric and books which she generously shared, an owl for the Owl's Nest, her puffy cat....and many other symbols hooked and hidden in the background.

What became of the rug I started in my first class? Well it consumed a lot of energy and momentum in those first three days, but as much as I loved it and tried to get back into the spirit of the rug, I was never able to recapture the energy. I tried working on it many times over the years, until I felt so smothered and bogged down by it that I finally aborted it. Yes, after almost 8 years of struggle....last Fall I hauled it down to the curb and set it out with the trash. I haven't regret it since.