When all of the dyeing and cutting and e-mailing was done....I finally had some time to start hooking on Monday evening. And struggling. And unhooking. And re-hooking. This nonsense (?) of working with lights and darks in the same piece is such a challenge for me....hopefully it's true that "that which does not kill you, makes you stronger." I persevered and last night hooked back over all of the holey spots and managed to get some more done, too.
This will eventually be a table runner - 13" by 42"....and what you see in the above photo is about 12" by 13". The colours in the photo are a little off, from the flash...
I'm not really sure how it's going to work out in the end...but seeing the above photo is making me think about changing the orientation and rotating it 90º. That would mean I'd have to start over again....so it's a good thing I'll have a few days to think about it and I can see it with new eyes on the weekend -- I'm on the road again now until Saturday night. Back soon....and have a great few days.