While I was hooking on my runner tonight, I finally accepted that what causes me the most jarring is the red/purple sections....and their contribution to the rainbow effect. It's aggravated by the intensity of some of the wools. While I was hooking tonight (and admittedly avoiding adding any more), I started to consider removing it.
As I'm not one to rip out any loops easily....I decided to play around on the computer for five minutes first. Using a fairly inexpensive software called Photoshop Elements and the same picture from the previous post, I selected all of the red/purple parts. How? I tried using the Magic Wand Tool, but there was not enough value/hue change between some of the sections (it was overlapping into other colours/sections), so instead I held down the shift button and used the Rectangular Marquee Tool to pick up all of the affected sections. Then I adjusted the hue (Enhance>Adjust Colour>Adjust Hue/Saturation....and then slide the toggles until you like what you see).
Here are a couple of mock-ups, showing a couple of subtle variations....

What a difference a hue makes! ....I've got a feeling I'm going to be popping quite a few loops and the "rainbow" will quickly disappear. But first I need to assemble the replacement wools, and I'm afraid that will have to wait until I get back home again early next week. Yes, I'm heading out again tomorrow for another interview blitz - back home on Monday - so once again, things are going to be a little quiet around here....back soon!