Even though it was a four-day weekend for me, I spent most of it working. On rug hooking stuff. I've been busy getting ready for my booth the Annual at the beginning of May (see sidebar for details - I've also added a couple of classes this Fall in the last week or so). It's a lot of work.....and I'm starting to feel a little bit like more things are getting added to my "to-do" list than are getting crossed off. I'm not freaking out -- yet! Right now, I'm still hopeful that most of the more time-consuming jobs were taken care of this past weekend....and that I'll be able to breeze through those left to be done.
I also squeezed in some time to attend a couple of family suppers, finish the hooking on my zipper runner and pressed it, finish whipping the above mat, and start on another rug -- just last night. By the middle of the day yesterday I was feeling more than ready to take a break.....and so I just started hooking, without any real colour ideas in mind. My thoughts cycled all evening long - from love to hate to indecision - and by the time I went to bed I decided that I only really needed to replace one block of colour. Things looked a little differently this morning.....so I shall have to wait and see what I end up doing come hooking time tonight. Hopefully it will be picture ready soon and I can share a photo...and hopefully I don't end up ripping too much out. I hate to do too much of that - it's so counter-productive.