If I had to summarize it using just three words, I'd say that "it was awesome". Heather is just as delightful as I had imagined...and I really enjoyed her teaching style today. It was a combination of demonstration, story-telling, encouragement, and matter-of-fact instruction...all delivered in a terrific accent. Just wonderful.
Speaking of wonderful....here are the four rugs that Heather brought with her to share with us. Since she had to fly to get her, she was obviously limited in her luggage, so we were lucky to be able to see some of her work up close and personal.
The first three rugs are typical of the area where she lives, the Yorkshire Dales...
Many of the flowers in this next rug were hooked with fine-guage knits, including sweaters...
This next one was my favourite. It was inspired by a photograph Heather's son took of her and the lambs are hooked with raw fleece from local sheep. The proddy border is very decorative. Heather uses one of her rugs for her Christmas cards each year, and Bearing Gifts is this year's rug...
I'm having lots of fun creating flowers and playing with my new tools. Here's a picture that shows what I managed to get done today...