For the last seven years, I've made an annual pilgrimage to see the Hooked in the Mountains show at the Shelburne Museum. Some years I've taken classes and other years I've just done a whirlwind trip on long weekend to see the show, shop and socialize.
The rug display is always fabulous (and pictures of that will be forthcoming, promise!), but the setting is also a real treat. The red barn is a magnificent building and it's as unique as most of the rugs on display within its round walls.
I don't think that I'll ever tire of seeing those typical of Vermont.
Yes, those are apples! ...and the mountains are peeking thought behind. I just love tree's so interesting to see all of the branches once the leaves have fallen.
Scattered on the grounds are dozens of buildings....some 30+ structures depicting various periods and architectural features. There's even a boat, the Ticonderoga! The only downside to going to see the hooked rug show is that the Museum is closed to the public at that time of if you really want to take advantage of all it has to offer, you'll just have to return again another time...
Many of the classes take place in either the Diamond Barn (on the left) or the Owl Cottage (on the right). I wonder which room I'll be teaching in next year? Yes, it's true! I am thrilled and honoured to have been asked to teach a class on purses next year. The details are still being finalized, but I'm pretty sure that it will be the last three days (I'll keep you posted).
So long for now, red barn...see you again next year!