I had a lovely day at Wendie's....and it's so great to have her so close. It's really just an hour away now, and it has never seemed like a long drive through the countryside. There is always lots to look at.
Wendie's new studio is AMAZING.....and I'm sure that my eyes appeared a little greener on Saturday. I think she's going to share some snaps of it on her blog this week, so you will soon know exactly what I mean.
One blessing about the snow is that it makes it a little easier to get into the mood to work on my next project. I'm participating in a Christmas stocking challenge hosted by Rittermere-Hurst-Field, and need to have mine finished by early July. At least I've got a design idea in mind....and tonight I will work on fine tuning it, so that I can get to work on the hooking part. I don't really need to rush, except for the fact that I'm quite eager to get started on my BIG rug -- and I'm smart enough to realize that once I start it, I won't want to hook anything else.