This year, more than any other, it seems to me that people are looking for innovative ways to give gifts that keep on giving. Last year, my sister was surprised with the gift of a piglet - not for her, but for a family in need. It really got me thinking about the number of token gifts I buy each year and how practically no-one I know needs any more "stuff". Of course, there are a few exceptions and a couple of "perfect presents" for some of the people on my list....but I am really trying to be more mindful and not contribute unnecessarily to the amount of crap that's filling our lives (and our landfills).
Because not every one would appreciate such a gift, I'll have to do some careful consideration during the next while before Christmas. I've been checking out a number of different sites in my searching, including: World Vision Meaningful Gifts, Unicef Gifts of Magic, Oxfam Unwrapped Gifts. All of these sites have great tips for giving such gifts - check out their FAQ pages.
There is one thing that I've come across so far that would easily appeal to a creative or artistic person - for just $20. I'm sure that it will be well-received by at least one person on my list.
Stocking information is delayed, but still coming - I was up late last night continuing my preparations and was too tired to start taking pictures. I'll try again tonight...