With the log now along the 'short' (8 foot!) side, I was thinking it was going to be a lot easier to manhandle...since the log would lie parallel along the back of the frame. Unfortunately my system of supporting it by tying it onto the top bar of the frame and then propping the bulk of the leftover log on a stool was not really working as well with the change in direction -- mostly because the log kept sliding off the stool and making a big thump (and subsequently tugging at the work, etc.) So I had to come up with a new system.....and luckily it's also waaaaaay better......
I ended up turning my couch around, so that I could lay the log across the back. Now when I'm ready to hook, I push my frame right up against the back of the couch, get the backing positioned just so.....and the scoot my loveseat up to the frame, Fred Flintstone style. Big felt feet on the furniture thankfully make this quite easy, and I love how the weight is supported the whole time I am hooking – and even when I'm not – by the couch. My living room looks a little strange, though, and there is not much seating.....so it's a good thing I don't get a lot of company! LOL!
I really should have taken a picture when I stopped hooking last night, but I just wasn't thinking (there is too much light coming in the windows in the daytime). This coming week will be a short week, hooking wise, since I'm leaving on a week-long business trip on Thursday – and Jumbo is not invited! I will take some snaps and post them before I leave with an update...and hopefully the colours will be a lot better. But right now, I'd better get hooking!