I snapped this pictures quickly this morning, while on my way to work. Today is one of those rare, perfect winter mornings....where there is a dusting of snow, but it's so light and fluffy that you feel as though a few strokes with a paper fan would be enough to blow it off the trees (and your car!). And, it's not all that cold ;-)
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A couple of people have approached me recently, asking me to mention their business and/or products on my blog. While it's flattering to think that I might possibly be able to influence the purchases of others, it also got me thinking about how this behaviour is probably a regular practice on some blogs. I want to reassure you that any time I have posted about specific products or companies have been because of my own personal experiences - and not because anyone asked, hinted or even said "thank you" for the mention(s). I have not yet entertained solicitation or been compensated in any way for anything or anyone that I've mentioned in my blog postings, and I have no plans to do so in the future.
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A surprise arrived in the mail when I was away - a letter announcing that some of my work will be appearing in a new book! Amy Oxford is writing a new book, featuring the rugs from last Fall's Hooked in the Mountains Rug Show. It is hoped that the new book will be available in late summer this year.
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Quite a few people have been leaving comments and sending me nice e-mails in the last while....and I just wanted to let you all know that even though I might not reply right way, I do enjoy reading them all (and please keep them coming! ;-) ). But I've come to the realization that you cannot - no matter how hard you may try - do everything you'd like to, or that you feel you're supposed to. I just try to do the best I can....and lately I've been trying to do more posting and creating and less of the behind-the-scenes paperwork stuff. If you ever really want to hear back from me quickly - just tell me so in your note and I'll do my best to comply ;-)
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I can hardly believe that my next post will be my 250th one! To commemorate this momentous occasion, I am going to have a give-away - for the very first time. I've been wracking my brain for the last few days, trying to come up with something good...when all of a sudden it hit me this morning! Curious? Come back tomorrow, when all will be revealed.... ;-)