Thursday, January 26, 2012

MP by OP in progress

Last week when I was visiting with Elaine, I had the privilege of sitting in on two of her regular classes. Lovely ladies at both – a nice mix of familiar faces and new ones, too. I must admit that I did have a little twinge of green, though....since it made me really wish that I had a similar group that I could meet with on a regular basis. We could sit, chat, exchange ideas, brainstorm new ones hook, sip tea....and just enjoy the feeling of togetherness. I think that would be great.

In the Wednesday evening class, two of the ladies are working on their own versions of one of my Amazing Matrix Mats....and I was so happy that they brought them to share. I love to see the different colour combinations people choose. And when there is already so much done it's really easy to imagine them both complete.

First up is Becky's autumn very yummy....

And now there is Kathy's wider range of values - I so admire anyone who can use both light and dark and inbetween in the same piece. It took me about 10 years to accomplish this. Yes, it's true.

(sorry about the blurry photo...all my fault, not the rugs....)

Can't wait to see them both finished. Maybe at the Annual.....?